On Mentors and Godparents: Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle, associate professor at The College of New-Jersey, shares her experiences of academic mentorship, collaboration, and finding your people.
Read Interview From Qallunaat to James Bay
Mini Aodla Freeman, Julie Rak, Keavy Martin, and Norma Dunning talk to IABA SNS and friends about the new edition of Aodla Freeman's memoir Life Among the Qallunaat.
The interview is published in Canadian Literature 226 (Autumn 2015)
Beginnings: IABA Asia-Pacific Kate Douglas, Associate Professor at Flinders University of South Australia and organiser of "Locating Lives", speaks to us about the conference, the IABA Asia-Pacific Chapter, and what she’s been reading!
Read Interview Kate DouglasCurrent Tides: Method(s) In the second chapter of our conversation series, John Zuern reflects on methods, collaboration, and (inter)disciplinarity.
Read Interview Current Tides: Method(s)Current Tides: Life Writing Keywords In this final section of the interview, John Zuern responds to our prompt "the future of life writing in relation to..." and shares his thoughts on curation, post-humanism, interfaces, land and unsettling.
Read Interview Current Tides: Life Writing Keywords Current Tides: Digital Life
John Zuern, co-editor of Biogrpahy, reflects on current trends in life writing scholarship, selfies, digital ethics, and the upcoming issue of Biography "Online Lives 2.0".
Read the first chapter of our interview series with John Zuern.
A Body Politic: an Interview with Virgie Tovar Tovar on fat activism, feminism, emotional labor in community work, selfies as visibility and legibility, and life writing.
Read Interview A Body Politic: an Interview with Virgie Tovar